Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to the course!
    • Welcome!
    • Before we begin...
  • 2
    Chapter 1: Buying the Right Piano (or Keyboard!)
    • Chapter Goals
    • Which Type of Piano Is Right for YOU?
    • Additional Factors to Consider When Buying an Electric Keyboard
    • What to Know When Buying a Used (or New!) Acoustic Piano
  • 3
    Chapter 2: Sitting Correctly at the Piano
    • Chapter 2 Goals
    • Why It's Important to Sit Correctly at the Piano
    • How to Sit Correctly at the Piano
    • Setting Yourself Up at YOUR Piano
  • 4
    Chapter 3: Your Piano Hands
    • Chapter 3 Goals
    • Why It's Important to Get to Know Your Piano Hands
    • Getting to Know Your New Piano Hands
    • Putting Your Piano Hands to Work
  • 5
    Chapter 4: Finding Your Way Around the Keyboard
    • Chapter 4 Goals
    • Pitch, the Music Alphabet, and the Piano Keyboard
    • Let's DO This! Exploring the Piano Keyboard
    • Quiz Yourself: Keyboard Awareness
  • 6
    Chapter 5: Your First 2 Pentascales!
    • Chapter 5 Goals
    • Why Bother Learning Pentascales?
    • The C Major Pentascale
    • The A Minor Pentascale
    • Let's DO This! The C Major and A Minor Pentascales
    • Let's DO This Video Lesson
  • 7
    Chapter 6: Creating Your First Improvisations!
    • Chapter 6 Goals
    • Piano Improvisation is Just Like Cooking!
    • The 5 Steps of Piano Improvisation
    • Let's DO This! Creating Your Own Improvisations
  • 8
    Chapter 7: Two-Handed Improvisations!
    • Chapter 7 Goals
    • Why I Won't Teach You to Play Hands Together... YET!
    • Creating Two-Handed Improvisations!
    • Let's DO This! Two-Handed Improvisations
  • 9
    Wrapping Up
    • Let's Count Your Successes!
    • More Resources for You!
    • Your Feedback Means So Much to Me

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for the ABSOLUTE beginner. If you answer "YES!" to the items on this checklist, then this course IS FOR YOU!

  • You WANT to learn to play piano!

  • You know NOTHING (or ALMOST nothing) about piano.

  • You have a piano, or a keyboard, or you are willing to go buy one. (The first chapter in the course will help you pick the best one for you based on your situation and goals.)

  • You would rather create your own music instead of learning how to play someone else's music.

  • You want to have FUN learning to play the piano, as a way to enrich your life, de-stress, and feel good.

  • You are excited by the idea of spending time at your piano DAILY (or at least as often as possible) to practice your skills.

Who is this course NOT for?

This is a thorough and detailed course, but it is not right for everyone. If you answer "YES!" to the statements in this checklist, then this course is NOT the right fit for you.

  • You already have a basic knowledge of piano. (You can INSTANTLY identify any key on the piano. You know your scales, triads, etc. You know what question and answer phrases are.)

  • You want to learn to read music. (I do not teach ANY music notation in this course.)

  • You want to learn to play music created by others (pop songs, classical pieces, etc.) Although this course provides a good foundation that will prepare you to learn how to play others' music, the only music you'll learn how to play in this course will be your own.

  • You are looking for a "quick fix" to "instantly learn piano." (To be successful in this course, you must invest time and effort.)

  • Your goal is to become a professional pianist. (In this case, I highly recommend you seek out traditional private lessons.)

What will you be able to do by the end of this course?

These 2 videos provide examples of music you could be able to create by the end of this course, if you put in the time and effort to complete all the lessons and activities.

How long will it take to complete this course?

approximately 3-4 weeks of daily practice

This truly depends on how much time you spend practicing. The course is designed to take approximately 3-4 weeks of daily practice, but could potentially be completed in as little as 2 weeks. Obviously, is your life does not allow for daily practice, it will take you longer than 3-4 weeks, and that is OK! You should enroll in this course to ENJOY the learning journey, not to put unnecessary pressure on yourself.